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Players Online: 0
Players in Chat: 0
Game Time: 04:33:58

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Terms of Service

These are the Terms of Service of ‘Eternal Duel’, the abbreviation "ToS" may also be used throughout the Terms. These Terms are not fixed, and are subject to change at anytime.

Major changes to the ToS will be announced as a Game News presented at logon, although it is the responsibility of the player to be aware of and in compliance with the ToS at all times. Failure to do so may result in the immediate deletion of your account.

Eternal Duel Online, ED ("Eternal Duel") does not guarantee connectivity.

You are allowed only one game account per individual. Individuals who are found to have multiple accounts (also known as "multis") will have all additional accounts deleted immediately and without warning.

We do not suggest the usage of the Internet Service Provider …AOL … There are problems with the accounts and many accounts are deleted because of mistaken Multiple Accounts. If you use an AOL connection, make sure you’re aware of the risks that other AOL users have the same logged IP Address. Therefore being branded as a possible multi.

Eternal Duel is not censored. Verbally abusing staff and players is considered to be newbish behaviour, it reflects on your manners. You may be banned from chat, or muted from posting on message boards if you verbally abuse staff or other players. Users are required maintain a level of decency and not use strong, vulgar words. This also pertains to a players name. Players with names using filtered words, derogatory racial terms, or that are of a strong sexual nature will be asked to change their names.

Clan Censorship/Decency
Clans, on the whole, are clandestinely administered entities. Game decency laws do not apply to clan sections and settings that are not viewable by non-members. What is and isn't acceptable in this situation is up to the clan administration, provided it does not infringe on other game law. (For an understanding of what a clan is, please see the help files.)

Clan Ownership:
All equipment and currency contained within clans, for example Branded Weapons and Gold is considered the property of the clan owner. Co-Owners may only use these items for the tasks they have been given permission to use them for. A Co-Owner who steals from a clan will be punished severely.

Game Law:
Users agree to follow all game laws, and understand that violation will result in the given punishment.

Intellectual Rights
Any individual who attempts to reverse engineer, hack, gain unauthorized entry into or undermine the system integrity of the Eternal Duel (including attempting to access any internal part of the game from an offsite location) will be dealt with to the fullest extent of the law.

Terminating Your Account
Individuals who no longer wish to play Eternal Duel may terminate their accounts by not logging into their accounts. Players will be deleted after 90 days of inactivity.

User Generated Content:
To the extent that portions of this Site provide users an opportunity to post and/or exchange information, ideas, and opinions ("Postings") in chat and message boards, and via Imails, and in descriptions of phrases, signatures and clans, please be advised that Postings do not necessarily reflect the views of Eternal Duel Online. Although we intermittently observe exchanged and posted information, in no event does ED believe or have any responsibility or liability for any Postings or for any claims, damages or losses resulting from their use and/or appearance on or in conjunction with this Site or elsewhere. Users remain solely responsible for the content of their messages and postings. However, ED reserves the right to edit, delete, or refuse to post any Posting that violates these Terms and Conditions, as well as revoke the privileges of any user who does not comply with these Terms and Conditions.

Operational Interference
Users agree not to, through use of software or other means, interfere with site operation and page content. Any automated software written to interact with the game can connect no more than once in a one minute period. Users agree to follow Administrator requests and instructions. The use of auto-refreshers is authorized as long as the auto-refresher is set no faster than one click a second. For the users of Firefox and IE 7, the use of the [Refresh All] is considered a violation of this section of the ToS.

Obligations of ED
ED shall be not responsible for any failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement (Connectivity, loss of account information) if such failure is caused by events or conditions beyond ED’s reasonable control.

Other sections of the game may have it's own rules (such as the chat room.) These rules are an addition to the ToS, not a replacement. Violation of these rules is considered to be a violation of the ToS and will be dealt with accordingly. Please familiarize yourself with all game rules before playing. Failure to be familiar with the game rules is not an excuse for breaking them and will not be accepted as a defence of your account. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse.

This site and all materials contained on it are distributed and transmitted on an "as is" and "as available" basis, without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. To the fullest extent permissible under applicable law, Eternal Duel Online disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Eternal Duel Online does not warrant that the functions contained in the site or materials will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that this site or the servers that makes it available are free of viruses or other harmful components. Eternal Duel Online does not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of the materials in this site with regard to their correctness, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise. The entire risk as to the quality, accuracy, adequacy, completeness, correctness and validity of any material rests with you. You (i.e., not Eternal Duel Online) assume the complete cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction. Applicable law may not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you.

To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, Eternal Duel Online, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, representatives, and third party providers to the site will not be liable for damages of any kind including, without limitation, compensatory, consequential, incidental, indirect, special or similar damages, that may result from the use of, or the inability to use, the materials contained on this site, whether the material is provided or otherwise supplied by Eternal Duel Online or any third party.

Albeit the foregoing, in no event shall Eternal Duel Online have any liability to you for any claims, damages, losses, and causes of action (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) exceeding the amount paid by you, if any, for accessing this site.

Privacy Policy: Eternal Duel Online does not collect any personal information from its users, excepting email addresses. These email addresses are used purely for improving the security of logins, and sending out high priority notices to users. We do not sell or give away email addresses under any circumstances without the email address owner's permission, and all email addresses are stored in a secure database to prevent unauthorised access.

Use of the site constitutes agreement with the current terms and conditions.