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6th - DoG
11th - MPOG TOP
11th - HotRP
22nd - TWG
29th - XTop100
?th - GS 100
?th - TGS
Game Statistics
Active Players: 3,261
Signups yesterday: 0
Players Online: 0
Players in Chat: 0
Game Time: 04:33:59

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Staff list - Total of 13 staff members

  Managers - Game Management
    ID 1. DC - Game
    ID 2. Foamy De Ninja - Co-Owner
    ID 6. Wifey♥ - Communications

    ID 21. Spawny™ - Rules Management
    ID 25. draculA|Alucard - Staff Management

  Coders - Game Coders
    ID 33. Spectre - Coder

  Admins - Player/clan problems and staff bosses
    ID 40. Deathstroke - Clan Admin / Support Center
    ID 41. Mr. Ak™ - Admin
    ID 42. Vladdypack - Admin

  Operators - Trainee Admins

  Moderators - Chat & Forum Moderators
    ID 61. Busuto - Mod
    ID 62. The Abyss - Mod
    ID 65. Alex - Moderator / Game Developer
    ID 66. El Futz - Mod

  Chat Monitor Trainee's - Staff trainees

Special Players

  Help Files - Help file management

  E-Paper - Epaper Editors/Columnists

  Game Developers - Game development management
    ID 65. Alex - Moderator / Game Developer
    ID 21227. -=Æ=- Guru - Game Developer
    ID 86071. Grapefruit - Game Developer
    ID 101212. AwsomPossum - Game Developer
    ID 168429. Noone - Game Developer
    ID 333542. |A| Ununtrium - Game Developer

  Other Special Players - Players with special status
    ID 3. [S۞A] Paul/Spike/RIP - The Cat Man
    ID 4. Mrs Forge Ψ -
    ID 90. Test Account -
    ID 91. Secretary - Bug Imail Storage
    ID 92. Test Account 2 -