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Active Players: 3,254
Signups yesterday: 1
Players Online: 1
Players in Chat: 0
Game Time: 08:24:45

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Message Board Rules

1. No excessive caps.
1 day (2nd offense: 3 days, 3rd offense: 10 days)

2. No spamming, and don't needlessly flood by posting the same comment over and over, or putting heaps of smilies in a post. And this also means stay on topic when posting.
2 days (2nd offense: 4 days, 3rd offense: 15 days)

3. No advertising other games or URLs to those games. This also includes telling other players to "join or play x game" where x is the name of the game.
30 days in jail as per Game Rules

4. English ONLY in your posts.
1 day (2nd offense: 3 days, 3rd offense: 10 days)

5. No supplying false information to players. For example, if someone asks what mythril is worth, you cannot say it is worthless to get a good price for it.
2 days (2nd offense: 4 days, 3rd offense: 15 days)

6. No supplying of illegal/adult material, through URLs or otherwise.
30 days in jail as per Game Rules

7. Follow any and all rules of a particular board if they are provided.

Note: These rules are used as a guideline by staff members. You may be banned for something not specified in these rules. Players who know the rules, yet still break them may have there privilage to use the Message Boards withdrawn. Staff members reserve the right to refuse MB rights to players found to be repetitively breaking the rules or who are known rule breakers.

These rules are such and can be modified at any time without the consent of the player community.

Punishments for rule-breaking specified above. Serious and repeated offenses can lead to a permanent ban from the message boards.