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Game Time: 09:23:50

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Chat Rules

Please note it is a player\'s responsibility to ensure that he or she has read and understands the rules of the Eternal Duel chat room. Repeated infringements of these rules may result in your permanent exclusion from ED chat (under extreme circumstances). The time lines here are to be used as a guide only and it is at Staff\'s Discretion as per the length of the ban. You may be banned for something not explicitly defined here.
If you have any complaints about the staff member who banned you then imail ID 4 (Mrs Forge).
If you have any complaints/questions about the rule you were banned for then imail ID 21 (Spawny).
Make sure to include the gametime of the incident, date, and reason for your complaint.

Click here to go to a page which explains the chat rules.

1. No double posting.
Double posting is posting the same message or a message very similar twice or more in a row. This also counts as the \"Once Per Page\" Rule.
Putting an advertisement in your name also counts towards the \"Once Per Page\" rule, do not put any items that you are buying, selling, or loaning in your name.
5 Minutes (2nd Offense - 1 Hour, 3rd Offense - 1 Day)

2. No excessive caps.
A few words are allowed in caps. You should only use caps when necessary, though. Conversations within context where it is necessary to use all caps e.g. \"WHOO!!! I WON!!!\" is allowed, but only in moderation.
5 Minutes (2nd Offense - 1 Hour, 3rd Offense - 1 Day)

3. No flooding.
Flooding is posting 5 or more lines in a row within 2 minutes. Also, don\'t be needlessly spamming one word, number, letter, or emoticon in one line, multiple times.
This includes repeated attempts to test out emotes (smileys) as the Notepad is available for such tests.
15 Minutes (2nd Offense - 1 Hour, 3rd Offense - 1 Day)

4. Do not advertise or post Out-Of-Game URLs in chat.
The following actions are not allowed and can lead to you being banned from chat:

  • advertising other textbased games in chat or posting out of game URLs (real or fake) in chat. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • advertising by offering the URL Via I-Mail, MSN, etc.
    • telling other players to \"join or play x game\" where x is the name of the game.
    • Requesting coders in chat
  • Posting Social Media addies (such as, but not limited to, facebook, msn, skype, twitter) and E-mail addresses in chat, real or fake. Keep them to I-mail or the MB\'s.
Exceptions to this rule are:
  • eternalduel URLs, www.goteamspeak.com, www.facebook.com/pages/Eternal-Duel/ and http://twitter.com/EternalDuel.
  • Approved registered trademarks that have a URL as their title (such as battle.net or asp.net)
The posting of e-mails and \"minor\" URLs such as Youtube or Google links carries a lower penalty, however attempting to get a shorter ban for posting an URL in the form of an email address will carry the full penalty, in accordance with the loopholing game rule.
5 days (social media, email and \"minor\" URLs 1 day)

5. Don\'t disobey a direct command from a staff member.
A lot of us are strict at certain times. Failure to do so may incur a chat ban. If you are told to stop then please do so. Think of a Staff member as a Referee. Their decision is final.
10 Minutes (2nd Offense - 6 Hours, 3rd Offense - 3 Days)

6. English ONLY in chat.
This includes the excessive use of \"Leet\" ( The use of numbers and/or symbols in place of letters, no more then 3 times a chat line) text. N00b to use as \'Newer Player\' is allowed.
5 Minutes (2nd Offense - 6 Hours, 3rd Offense - 3 Days)

7. No supplying false information to any players in chat.
For example, if someone asks what mythril is worth, you cannot say it is worthless to get a good price for it.
10 Minutes (2nd Offense - 6 Hours, 3rd Offense - 3 Days)

8. Do not give out coordinates to Quest items in the Countryside.
Revealing them via imail or on the Message Boards is still permissible but allow people who want to do the quests on their own the opportunity to do so.
30 Minutes (2nd Offense 3 hours, 3rd offense 1 Day)

9. Do not promote negative stereotypes in chat.
Prejudiced comments based on group association, whether it be ethnicity, sexual preference, political alignment or something else, will not be tolerated.
This includes both comments targeted at other players and general comments not aimed at anyone and includes making jokes.
10 Minutes (2nd Offense - 6 Hours, 3rd Offense - 3 Days)

10. Do not harass, provoke or antagonise new players to the game.
They will not necessarily know things regular players take for granted and should be treated kindly while they are still learning the game.
5-15 Minutes

These rules also apply to the teamspeak part of ED. Staff can and will remove players from teamspeak if they are deemed to be breaking any. Also, any player that has a chat ban in effect will be kicked from TS until the duration of that ban has passed.

Note: These rules are used as a guideline by staff members and you may be banned for something not specified in these rules. Players who know the rules, yet still break them may have there privilege to use chat withdrawn. Chatting is a privilege, and staff members reserve the right to refuse chat privileges to persons found to be repetitively breaking the rules or known rule breakers.